How to write a good college essay
Essay Topics For Film Studies
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The vulnerable stage Essay Example for Free
The powerless stage Essay Taking into account that youthful grown-ups in the formative stage is considered by Kolberg to be experiencing significant change from level I to II, and that it is in this stage aptitudes in accord and social correspondence is in a fast phase of advancement. Reasonable of relative social requests either tolerating or dismissing shows is getting evident. Valid there is level III which is deliberation and meaning of all inclusive standards such equity and capacity to distinguish conceivable social changes, this might possibly happen. There might be a dismissal yet without a proper theoretical conceptualization fitting to the level and clashes are not altogether prepared. In actuality we can see a go across street in a youthful adult’s social way or picking up of encounters. One way prompts the social incorporation along the ethical stages as portrayed by Kolberg and a way of dismissal and thus estrangement from the social standard. Choosing to accomplish something as exceptional as self destruction isn't just because of estrangement which is the main hazard circumstance however could be fortify by encountering somebody close ending it all or what could be an appearance of Bandura’s demonstrating. We observe that if two circumstances consolidated could result to more noteworthy distance, e. g. losing somebody implies less one in the essential gathering to which an individual have a place, which could result to more prominent distance. There is additionally perception, for example, history of dysfunctional behavior which could be taken as marker of a potential high hazard however in any case, solid essential gathering backing could make the recuperation less difficult, lesser disgrace. The idea of essential gatherings of juvenile likewise gives some strain, family esteems or social points of view additionally changes and friends as it propose were likewise teenagers with their trademark catching for their own feeling of internal and social request into which they could demonstrate their life. The young is a change stage, of separation to singular tendencies and most significant they could be available to thoughts which might be out of sight inappropriate at their degree of mental and enthusiastic development. The Internet detonates data and opened up get to even to the youthful however without management or social handling including the past age. In this way the young are presented to for instance, sex entertainment, viciousness and different convictions and ideas which may not be proper to limit of the adolescent to process in their own. We observe that ratiocinative enhancers of helps to intuition included thoughts, convictions, ideas or ways which are open for experimentation by the young. In such an open information social orders, the model or reference bunches are essentially liquid. It could be contended that achieving stage 4 of level II in Kolberg’s moral stages model may reinforce the individual enough as stage 3 of living as per certain goals or accord requires certain degree of scholarly and passionate development thus a more elevated level of unique conceptualization and perhaps more noteworthy thankfulness and use of the speakers to turn into a progressively profitable person. In any case, relapse is conceivable particularly in outrageous social cases and exacerbated by the absence of emotionally supportive network. What is clear right now is there are social components which forestalls arrangement of hazard circumstances and there are factors which supports self obliteration.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Never judge a book by its cover free essay sample
It will likewise give data on what thought processes an individual needs to give avocation to killing someone else. Ultimately, data will be given on the genuine personality of a person who decides to turn into a killer. An individual has their one view of how â€Å"normal†should resemble. These observations can emerge out of a large group of impacts and here and there are the idea example of a little gathering or network. That specifically is the reason it is hard to pass judgment on a person as indicated by their appearance. The manner in which an individual may show up may look as though they are your ordinary regular individual, yet how precisely do you know? Particularly on the off chance that they were raised reasoning that they are introducing themselves in agreement to the standard. In all actuality appearances can be misleading. With respect to what we see outwardly, a creator states, â€Å"We all do it. We cannot resist. Were transcendently visual creatures†, (Lickerman, 2012). With regards to things we see, as people we can't help judge dependent on the appearance. A few people have ridiculous sentiments on how someone in particular should look as opposed to increasing a comprehension of the person in general. Our materialistic perspective on individuals deceives use and brings down our watchmen against people not out for our prosperity. In today’s society, we are told things, for example, hooligans wear dull loose apparel and effective people wear business easygoing clothing. This is a case of a circumstance that can be misleading if an individual exploits our normal misguided judgments. In a circumstance where an individual is within the sight of a sequential executioner, this misguided judgment can end in death. This conversation will clarify how elective personalities, intentions are the best way to comprehend an individual’s genuine character. An individual ought to never pass judgment on an individual by dependent on their appearance. Because an individual gives off an impression of being a typical individual, it doesn't imply that they really are. That individual could in all likelihood be a sequential executioner. What we accept and need to have confidence concerning companions, family, and even collaborators is something that all individuals manage on a customary. We have a thought or a conviction of what an individual is and who they really are, yet how would we truly know? By what means can an individual state that the individual that we state we know is who they state they really are? In truth, you don’t know. To you and me they could be actually who they state they are, however as far as they could tell they may think they are another person. They may carry on with a way of life that an individual who realizes the individual never realized that they had. This is having an elective character and additionally way of life. At the point when an individual has an elective way of life, they live twofold life. For instance, a man is hitched to a lady and has three children with this exact same lady, yet takes month to month get-aways or â€Å"work related vacations†to invest energy with his better half in another state. In the TV show â€Å"Dexter†and film, â€Å"Mr. Brooks†, the two people had mystery lives. They decided to keep their lives mystery for the most part in light of the fact that the two lives that they had, yet they realize that the two lives couldn't exist together with each other. The two characters had genuine lives other than the life of an executioner. Mr. Creeks has an effective business and Dexter is a fruitful wrongdoing scene agent. Indeed, even with such honors, no doubt what they are happy with their lives, yet they are definitely not. By and large, an individual may decide to have a substitute life because of absence of fulfillment of their present lives. In an announcement above, there was a model utilized that depicted a wedded man with kids deciding to set aside effort to go through with his sweetheart from another state. In a circumstance like this, despite the fact that that man is hitched with youngsters, he may not be getting the fulfillment from his relationship with his close family. Like this individual, both Dexter and Mr. Streams might be managing a comparative circumstance in which their prompt lives are not giving the fulfillment that they want. Mr. Streams is an effective businessperson however doesn't get the delight and fulfillment that he gets from killing that he in his organization. Dexter is a fruitful wrongdoing scene specialist, yet despite the fact that he makes the most of his activity he get not even close to the fulfillment that he gets when murdering an awful person. The explanation for living numerous ways of life is an endeavor by a person to get the fulfillment that they want that they can’t get in their other life. One of the later genuine circumstances America has looked in which an individual searched out to execute others was the, â€Å"Navy Yard Shooter†. His name was Aaron Alexis. This was a person who killed 12 individuals at Washingtons Navy Yard. One reason why this circumstance is as yet confounding to numerous individuals is on the grounds that there was no away from of why he killed those twelve people. As indicated by a senior law requirement official, ‘Co-laborers have depicted Alexis of having carried on with the ordinary work life of a generously compensated tech temporary worker given day by day per diems that permitted an agreeable remain in a costly city†(Pearson, 2013). Someone else near him depicted Alexis as exceptionally neighborly and a well disposed man. This individual is a companion and previous housemate, Kristi Suthamtewakul. She saw some character changes in Alexis in the course of the most recent couple of months, yet she expressed that it was nothing showing potential brutality. She saw that he had been disappointed about compensation and advantages issues following a one-month contracting stretch in Japan a year ago. She likewise expressed that, Thats when I originally began hearing articulations about how he needed to move out of America,†and that, He was extremely disappointed with the administration and how, as a veteran, he didnt feel like he was getting treated right or fairly†(Pearson, 2013). Some will say for what reason would something as unimportant as that lead somebody to slaughter others? A creator states, â€Å"No matter how appalling a wrongdoing, there is consistently a â€Å"justification†given by the culprit: â€Å"Voices advised me to murder each one of those prostitutes†, â€Å"He was laying down with my wife†and â€Å"I did it for the sake of [insert god here]†(Phillips, 2013). The rationale is the thing that drives the sequential executioner to murder. In the event that there isn’t a thought process or motivation behind why an individual executes, for what reason would they? In this circumstance, Aaron Alexis’s rationale to kill those twelve individuals in the Navy shooter episode was because of dissatisfaction about compensation and advantages issues following a one-month contracting stretch in Japan a year ago and feeling like he wasn’t treated right or reasonably as a veteran. In his psyche, that was sufficient inspiration to lead him to end the lives of the twelve people who he had killed. In TV arrangement, â€Å"Dexter†, Dexter had a thought process to murder terrible individuals. Every day, he would explore trouble makers and give his own form of discipline towards them. He filled in as both a vigilante and a sequential executioner. The lives of the blameless individuals that the awful individuals removed were sufficient intentions in Dexter to murder those people in the equivalent or comparative kind of way. Like expressed above, there is consistently â€Å"justification†given by the culprit in why they may murder somebody. The genuine character of a sequential executioner is ordinarily left well enough alone on purpose. There is a motivation behind why an individual would not need people to know precisely what their identity is. The explanations behind which these people might not have any desire to be known can differ. An individual might need to be known. There is a likelihood that an executioner might not have any desire to be known to other people. That individual might not have any desire to be known in light of the fact that they appreciate what they do. Both Dexter and Mr. Streams shroud their actual personalities mostly in light of the fact that they had people whom they adored and thought about in their typical life. Dexter had a sister and Mr. Creeks had a spouse and a girl. Simultaneously both Dexter and Mr. Creeks both have a longing and enthusiasm to murder others. Both have their various thought processes in why they murder yet the both have an unmistakable energy to execute others. There may likewise be a likelihood that alongside murdering others, they may likewise need to shield those people from being a potential objective. The genuine character of an executioner exclusively relies upon the rationale of the executioner. In any case if an executioner decides to be known or not, the genuine personality of somebody who slaughters and murders others as often as possible is that they are a sequential executioner. This is the fundamental motivation behind why an individual ought to never pass judgment on somebody dependent on what they seem, by all accounts, to be. The genuine personality of somebody is the character at which that individual feels the most agreeable to act naturally. On account of Dexter and Mr. Streams, the two of them have an inclination that themselves when they execute others. At the point when you see a few people, you need to feel that you know precisely what sort of individual they are by simply taking a gander at them. It is hard for anybody to know precisely whom they are within the sight of just by their appearance. An individual may decide to have an elective way of life due an absence of fulfillment in their lives. They may feel that what is available in their life isn’t satisfying them with the totality of life that they want. Until they get that completion that they want, they may keep on finding that way by deciding to living various ways of life. The thought processes behind which an individual would need to kill an individual can fluctuate. On the off chance that that individual has avocation behind why they are performing such acts, in their eyes they may see what they are doing is the correct way to deal with handle their circumstance. Every one of the an individual needs is a rationale behind why they may decide to murder a person. On account of Aaron Alexis, his inspiration driving homicide was the way that he was baffled about compensation and advantages issues following a one-month contracting stretch in Japan a year ago and frust
Sunday, August 9, 2020
The Health Benefits Having One Smoke-Free Year
The Health Benefits Having One Smoke-Free Year Addiction Nicotine Use After You Quit Print The Health Benefits Having One Smoke-Free Year By Terry Martin facebook twitter Terry Martin quit smoking after 26 years and is now an advocate for those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction. Learn about our editorial policy Terry Martin Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Sanja Jelic, MD on November 17, 2016 Sanja Jelic, MD, is board-certified in sleep medicine, critical care medicine, pulmonary disease, and internal medicine. Learn about our Medical Review Board Sanja Jelic, MD Updated on February 21, 2020 Hero Images / Getty Images More in Addiction Nicotine Use After You Quit How to Quit Smoking Nicotine Withdrawal Smoking-Related Diseases The Inside of Cigarettes Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Coping and Recovery As of Dec. 20, 2019, the new legal age limit is 21 years old for purchasing cigarettes, cigars, or any other tobacco products in the U.S. At one year smoke-free, ex-smokers hit an important milestone related to the health benefits of quitting smoking: The excess risk of coronary heart disease drops to half that of current smokers.?? Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States today, and its one of the leading causes of smoking-related death for smokers, too.?? Toxins in cigarette smoke cause damage to your heart in a number of ways. Carbon monoxide reduces the amount of oxygen that gets to the heart. Smoking increases your blood pressure and heart rate, both of which are hard on your heart, and the chemicals in cigarettes contribute to atherosclerosis, also known as hardening of the arteries.?? If you smoke, quitting is the absolute best thing you can do for your heart and for your health overall. The Biggest Smoking Risk Isnt Lung Disease Give Yourself the Benefit of a Full Year to Quit Smoking Once you decide to quit, youll likely be impatient to be free of smoking cessation tactics. You want to reach a state of mind where cigarettes no longer hold any importance. While this should be the goal, and its definitely achievable, give yourself some time to heal from the many associations that have built up between smoking and daily life over the years. Relax and take the time you need to recover from nicotine addiction. Dont stress if you suddenly crave a smoke months after quitting. Old programming in our brains get triggered now and then, but the more practice you get with smoke-free living, the less often errant thoughts of smoking will pop up. Why the Benefits of Quitting Continue to Grow Over Time If youve put a year between you and the last cigarette you smoked, congratulations! The benefits of the positive choices youve made will continue to grow as you move forward from here. Smoking affects who we are more than most of us realize. On an emotional level, quitting tobacco is similar to peeling back the layers of an onion to find the person you were meant to be before addiction stepped into your life. What You Can Expect at Two Years Smoke-Free Your chance of achieving long-term success with smoking cessation increases significantly after two years. Statistics tell us that 80 out of 100 people who stay smoke-free for two years never smoke again. Also, at around two to five years, your risk of stroke is the same as a non-smokers. Why Its Important to Get Support Statistics tell us that only about half of those who quit smoking remain smoke-free at the end of their first year.?? However, with support, the odds are much improved. Fortify your quit program by connecting with others who are going through what you are, whether its online, with counseling, by joining a group, or by quitting with your partner or friend. If youre thinking about quitting smoking, there is no time like the present to get started. Change begins with a single first step. Stop just thinking about quitting, and start taking action. Throw the cigarettes away, and start your quit today. How Your Body Heals After You Quit Smoking
Saturday, May 23, 2020
How to Identify Villains and Heros Essay - 704 Words
In a play, there are always heroes and villains. Sometimes, one can not always tell who are the heroes and villains. William Shakespeare, in his play, Julius Caesar, shows the difference of heroes and villains using the senators of Rome to show the difference between heroes and villains. The hardest character to determine was the hero Brutus, by analyzing his loyalty, background, and his intentions, one can determine that Brutus was a hero to Rome. Brutus’ loyalty helps shape whether his cause was justice or unjustified. In the beginning, Brutus is walking with Caesar. He even helps him when a soothsayer tells him to beware the Ides of March. â€Å"What man is that? / A soothsayer bids you beware the Ides of March†(I, ii, 18-19). If†¦show more content†¦That quote is important, because the quote shows when he sided with the conspirators, when he did not want to. This explains Brutus’ loyalty, but knowing Brutus as a person may help determine how he was a hero. Brutus had a very interesting background; this helps determine his side of the play. Brutus is wondering which side to take during the beginning of the play. During Fuqua 2 his soliloquy, Brutus’ background information is identified. â€Å"And therefore think him as a serpent’s egg / which, hatched, would, as his kind, grow / mischievous; / And kill him in the shell†(II, i, 32-34). This means that he should kill Caesar before he becomes a threat. That also identifies Brutus as a man who worried a lot and is a man who wants the best for Rome, not himself. Besides worrying, Brutus also was emotional. Brutus’ wife Portia kills herself one day when she was alone. Brutus becomes very depressed over this matter. â€Å"No man bears sorrow better. Portia is dead†(IV, iii, 146). This means that he is sorrow for his wife’s death, and a synonym for sorrow is depressed. This shows Brutus was a sympathetic man, and somebody who can love one’s country and others. Villains are always referred to as emotionless in plays; the heroes always connect and wouldn’t murder without a cause. Besides w ho Brutus was as a person, Brutus had intentions that would help Rome. Brutus had intentions of saving Rome. Brutus wanted to kill Caesar because he believed thatShow MoreRelatedWho Is The Villain?927 Words  | 4 PagesEveryone likes a typical hero, but everyone loves a committed villain. Villains have more to them than just a simple reason for their decisions. Villains have a background which heavily influences their mentality and leads to the decisions made to classify them as villains. An actor named Russell Crowe has a keen interest for villains. He once stated, â€Å"I like villains because there s something so attractive about a committed person - they have a plan, an ideology, no matter how twisted. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Why The Paralympic Movement And Paralympic Games Really...
Opposite from Hwakins, Cory and Crowe study this article written by Schantz and Gilbert raised a question to whether the Paralympic movement and Paralympic Games really contribute to the emancipation and empowerment of people with disabilities. This article compared the history of Paralympic sports and noted the benefits of sport activities in the improvement of the veteran’s psychological attitudes and social life; however, it also argued that competitions for people with physical disabilities often resembled â€Å"freak†shows rather than serious sporting events. Keeping in mind that a lot of physical active program’s goal is to provide the social isolation and social support for those who feel lesser human beings because of their disabilities. Existing negative perspective of disabled people strongly influence person’s self-confidence in order to get out of yourself and experience the world like the rest of society. The article also compared Olympics a nd Paralympics and exposed dissimilarities of the two events and argued that originally these two worldwide events were supposed to have similar success. The social media coverage issue was also addressed and argued that the Paralympics were often portraying disabled people unrealistically and stereotypically. This article is a great source for my research because it examines existing issues in society that are present in discriminating disabled sport participants. It addresses an issue of how valuable Paralympic evens are if
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Rock Fest at Hard Rock Free Essays
Rock Fest at Hard Rock In order for specific events and projects to be successful, an effective and efficient plan is necessary. A plan reflects the possible outcome of the project or event at hand. Planning is described as the method of deciding what to do and the process of how to execute them (Kerzner, 2003). We will write a custom essay sample on Rock Fest at Hard Rock or any similar topic only for you Order Now It allows the integration of people’s values, attitude, needs, and preference in coming up with sound decisions. Good planning is signified by a fine short term decision that has major impact on long term objectives (Bartholomew, 2005). It is a social activity that involves various people, thus participation and management of people is vital as results are affected by how people are involved, and is not confine in identifying problems that the group would encounter and finding out the easiest solution to them. It could become a good learning process not only for the problems at hand but also for future situations (Kerzner, 2003). In holding an event such as a rock fest with a 9 month plan horizon, time is of the essence. For the first few months it is important to secure the services of the bands that would play on the night of the rock fest. It is the organizer’s first priority as performers have tight schedule and they might find it hard to tap their services on the night of the scheduled event. For me, tapping their services and joining them altogether in one evening would be the most critical path. About a month or two after the event was proposed, a complete line up of performers should have been finalized and the target schedule date should be revealed. Organizers may find it hard to look for that common time of every band, if notification would not come during the early stages of the proposed rock event. Preparing the schedule and the list of the bands that would play would be the most challenging part for the organizers. After the list has been prepared and bands have made their commitment to be included in the rock fest, the next phase for the project would be advertising and promoting it. These would run for the next six months and so. The phase would include ironing out every details of the contract of the bands that would play, tickets sales, promotions, sponsorships and logistics. At this stage I see limited problem since Hard Rock Cafe is well known; posters, streamers and flyers could come in handy as funding for the project would not be limited and furthermore the organizer could easily make a tie up with their previous sponsors. The only thing that may derailed the project’s progress is if the project coordinator failed to come up with a catchy title, poster designs and taglines that would make the rock fest even more exciting. A month before the rock fest, the focus then would be preparing for the rock site, lighting and sound systems and security, contributes heavily to the organizer’s focus. Good lighting and sound system add more spice and excitement to rock fest. Thus the beauty of the two elements is a must. Security, on the other hand, is a major concern to prevent unruly fans and mob from becoming more rowdy. This is another major challenge as many events are ruined by uncontrolled crowd. Bands unable to get into the venue and situation involving emergency cases would not pose a problem since a helicopter is on stand by ready to fly. With a good plan and proper management of resources from day one up to the night of the said event, there is no reason not to be optimistic with the rock fest’s result. How to cite Rock Fest at Hard Rock, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Business Economics for De-Unionization-
Question: Discuss about theBusiness Economics for Globalization andDe-Unionization. Answer: Introduction and Claim In the entire Article, the author discusses about the increasing disparity between the upper- and lower-half of the society. The major narrator of the piece is Robert Reich who is primary illustrating the Americas social classes. The metaphor is utilized in explicating how the economy of America is fluctuating for the rich and poor. It is alluded to a boat that everyone is in whereby 1 is rapidly sinking 2nd one sinking more gradually while the 3rd steadily rising. The three social classes are referred to here including lower-, middle- and upper-class. The lower-class keeps going poorer due to job loss, increase automation alongside competition from other economies which are enthusiastic to work for less money. The middle-class is somewhat staying unchanged but remain still diminishing economically. This is due to machinery that is substituting employees, lower wages due to the surged social security drawn by the government from the retirees, alongside the stiff competition from immigrant searching for jobs. The upper-class does well and ascending past everyone else since they are the people who are thinking regarding selling their notions to overseas nations who could never think of them independently. Background The topic is anchored on the Robert Reich as both eye opener and simultaneously a cautionary for the society about the unemployment which the society shall be facing and is presently facing as a result of the lack of education and technology. It precisely enunciates that routine producers jobs and in-person servers have extinguished wholly as the contemporary techniques have substituted them. Reich posited that strictly individuals whose jobs remain on the upsurge are symbol analysts. The symbol analysts remain the actual problem solvers. The symbol analysts skills remain extremely in the demand globally since they are the people who initially examine the problem and subsequently solve the problem (Reich 15). The same unemployment problem alongside the global recession that has left workers focusing on workers not solely with skills of specialist but further a vaster array of knowledge and skills. The report remains a clear reflection of what is required by the modern day employers, but the question remains whether it is universities or learners individually that fail to cope with the needs of modern world that is marred with advancement in technology alongside critical thinking. The modern day generation alongside reasons for huge drop in employment are truly missing something critical. Opposition The opposition holds that the job losses in America is caused not by the immigrants into America but due to technological development and globalization. The opposition acknowledges that the main challenge is the employment crisis that the millennials shall be facing as a result of educational challenges, either in schools or in learners, and the similar period the ascending symbol analysts demand (Spangler 472). This is an eye-openers for millennials since the opposition has precisely illustrated all the challenges facing millennials and shall be facing in the coming years about employment. Opponents Claims strengths and weaknesses The main strength in my opponent claim is that it is true that globalization and technological advancement have greatly led to a laying off of many workers. On the other hand, the opponent fails to appreciate that as technology is advancing, many jobs are destroyed and through innovation, many new jobs are created and many firms upskill their old employees rather than retrenching which would indeed retain workers and even employ new ones. My Claim The Robert Reich Article remains wholly true. There is a widening gap between the rich and the poor. This disparity/gap is increasing blooming visibly as months turn to years. The rich are increasingly becoming richer since they are the people taking over the lower-class jobs and doing whatever they wish with them. Often, the upper-class fire all the employees and place in automatic machinery since it is increasingly effective and cost really less. The upper-class have further put a surge on immigrants over the previous ten years and it is still ascending today. The immigrants come to America and require jobs to support both families and themselves. This is the reason there is increasing jobs less in the US. If the American economy keeps up with this declining trend, there will people trapped in absolute poverty and those who are filthy rich. Accordingly many of the rich individuals shall refute to assist the poor, even where they are increasingly capable of helping the poor. Warrants for My Claim and the Opposition for Common Ground Based on my claim, the millennials future is analyzed with respect to unemployment problems the millennials will face as a result of globalization. The advancement in technology and entire world going global remains significant. Unlike my claim, that I hold also contributes to the American job losses, I see sense in the opponent claim that attributes the job loss to the shift of jobs from the developed to developing economies established by the huge recession in the developed-economies to have triggered by the advancement in technology and globalization. Common Ground It is true that both claims remain cognizant that the main challenge is the unemployment. Whereas I attributed the lack of employment among the Americans to the competition arising from the immigrants who seek the same jobs to support themselves and families, I am in agreement with my opponents claim that globalization and advancement in technology have also played a significant role (Stiglitz 133). It is true that advancement in technology has made workers stay in touch with the entire globe with the assistance of certain optical wires alongside satellites and hence began hiring employees who were willing and ready to work for the lower salaries. In the same manner, introduction of novel labor-saving machineries like ATMs and robotized vending accounts for job losses. Conclusion Both opposing claims have a sense in arguments and hence there is a common ground. Both technological advancement and globalization have indeed led to job loses while at the same time Americans have lost jobs due to influx of immigrants. Works Cited Reich, Robert B. "Why the rich are getting richer and the poor, poorer." The way class works: Readings on school, family, and the economy (2008): 13-24. Spangler, Eve. "When Good Jobs Go Bad: Globalization, De-Unionization, and Declining Job Quality in the North American Auto Industry." (2017): 471-473. Stiglitz, Joseph E. "The overselling of globalization." Business Economics 52.3 (2017): 129-137.
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